

Group Personal Training
  • October , 2021
  • Adam Neylon
  • 0
Time to HIIT It

What is HIIT? Time, the one thing in life we could always use more of. It’s hard enough to make timefor the essential things in our life let alone finding time to work out. Most times our mainexcuse for not working out is simply because we don’t have the time. What if I could tell…

  • September , 2021
  • Adam Neylon
  • 0
So, Group Training?

What are our options? Working out can be intimidating. Working out can be hard, tedious, and a lot of timesexpensive. While working with a personal trainer yields amazing results sometimes it justdoesn’t fit in our budget. So what are our options? Do we sign up for a cheap gym membership and set a routine for…

  • August , 2021
  • Fitness Guru
  • 0
Moving to Music

What Purpose Does Music Serve During Workouts? People listen to music all the time when working out. It doesn’t matter what form of exercise, people love listening to tunes. If you asked someone, do you get upset if you get to they gym and realize you forgot your music or headphones? The answer would almost…

Fun Personal Training
  • July , 2021
  • Zach Janczak
  • 0
Personal Training Made Fun

Meet Max Max is a personal training client here at Starting Point Fitness in Germantown Wisconsin. Max is an inspiring young man who has come a long way on his health and fitness journey. His PT and personal trainers at SPF have made a comprehensive plan designed help him reach his fitness goals. Max enjoys…

  • July , 2021
  • SPF Team
  • 0
Reunited at Starting Point Fitness

In early 2020, COVID-19 led to the disbanding of SPF’s members into small groups,individual, and virtual training. On July 5th , 2021 many faces familiar to SPF werereunited together when a special large group workout was held. The large groupincluded clients from all groups: Virtual Team Training, In-Person Small Group Training,and In-Person 6PM Small Group…

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